How do you make incense smoke go down?

Incense making basics.

If you are making cones or sticks, then burning your incense is straight forward and simple: light one end of the cone or stick, fan out the flame and allow it to slowly burn of its own accord.

Note: In some cultures it is considered disrespectful to all that is nature to "blow" out the flame

Want some more ideas?

Here are a couple more recipes for you to try out and learn how to make aroma.

Incents recipes are very forgiving; as long as you know the plant is safe, experiment and see what meaningful and local-to-you blends you can create.

Incense Burners types:


There are various forms of incenses, including sticks, joss sticks, cones, coils, powders, rope, rocks/charcoal, and smudge bundles .
The main difference between the first two forms is that the former has a slender bamboo base, onto which the mixture of Incents ingredients is attached, while the latter is without a central base.
Figure  shows five major forms of Asian frankincense, among them stick incense is the most popular in Taiwan.
Charcoal - here we light a piece of bamboo charcoal (without saltpeter or other toxic chemical additives!) and set it in the center of our bowl filled with ash or sand.
We sprinkle our aroma mixture directly atop the charcoal or right next to it. The charcoal heats the materials and releases the fragrance into the air.
This has probably been the most common method of burning frankincense throughout history.
We encourage you to choose an incense burner that is handmade or perhaps even enjoy making one yourself.
There is an energy to a handmade holder that cannot be put into words as it blends perfectly with the burning of natural fragrance.
This "union" seems to be missing, even reversed, with a mass produced incense burner waterfall.

Incense Waterfall making ingredients.

 The starting ground for making fine aromatic Incents mixtures is using high quality natural ingredients.


Start with some of your favorite woods and spices. Experiment with new substances as you become more comfortable and intrigued with the process.

Try to always use at least one resin or wood in your mixture as a base. Visit local herb shops, incense stores, nurseries, etc. to uncover hidden aromatic treasures.

Here is a partial list of popular frankincense ingredients from around the world. Wine, honey, dried fruits and fragrant hydrosols are often used as well.

Recipes and suggestions are listed later in this article. All ingredients should be stored in a dark, cool space.

If you are just starting out making fragrance mixtures, then you should keep the number of ingredients down to three to start, perhaps one wood and two herbs, or one resin, one wood and one herb, etc.

Related: Why is my backflow incense smoke going up?

As you get used to making incense, you can slowly expand the number of ingredients you use.

Herbal incense in the traditional sense is made from herbs in the form of powder-like vanilla, cinnamon, sage, sandalwood, cedar, and thyme.


Because of its popularity due to its fragrant and relaxing smell, lots of people managed to share their simple method of making homemade fragrance.

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